When To Buy Maternity Clothes ?

The pregnancy period is usually nine months and can be considered as three trimesters. Every expectant mother should set up her maternity wardrobe with comfortable clothing. One question most women ask is when to buy maternity clothes.

Maternity clothes have no special sizes. You can buy the same regular size in maternity clothes. During pregnancy only her belly, bust, arms and chest grow. The basic structure of the body remains the same. Maternity clothing provides additional space only for these body parts. Since the pregnancy period is only nine months and you will not wear these clothes again until the next pregnancy, you should spend less on this type of clothes. Buy only the necessary ones.

Clothing generally fits at the waist at the beginning of the second month. You can get some pants and skirts that can stretch at the waist line. The clothing worn during this period is called transition clothing because it can be worn again after delivery and before you regain your pre-pregnancy figure.

The second trimester is when you really start to expand. This will be the right time to get maternity clothes. Stretch pants, maternity jeans, long skirts, long blouses and tunics are the best options for this time of pregnancy. They are not only comfortable but they are also fashionable maternity clothes. Few women tend to wear tight clothes to look thin, but the maternity clothes that are available these days will help her look slim and young. You do not need to wear loose clothing and large sizes during pregnancy. Dark tones and especially black will make you look younger and slimmer.

In the third trimester, you can buy nursing bras, nightgowns that are more comfortable with your fully developed tummy, and other things. Few maternity clothes can be borrowed if possible because maternity clothes are expensive. But you can get them at affordable prices when they're for sale or when discounts are offered. Many online sales offer discounts very often.

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